Wednesday, January 27, 2010

10 steps to niche marketing for the specialty practice

There are many ways to establish your practice as a specialty practice.

While you were attending college, there were probably specific parts to your education that interested you more than others.

Whether it was pediatrics, sports injuries, pregnancy, geriatrics, or a multitude of specialties, there was one that stood out to you — one that you wanted to dedicate your practice and your life to.

The following are 10 steps you can use in order to market your specialty practice.

1. Gain knowledge. Whatever you choose as your specialty, the key is becoming as knowledgeable as possible on that subject and becoming an absolute expert in that field. Being an expert chiropractor comes first and everything is else is secondary.

2. Target your patient market. You can do this by understanding what you provide and what your definition of niche and specialty is. Be sure to identify the type of patient you wish to attract to your practice.

Ask yourself these questions:

• What type of health problems do you specialize in that will fulfill the patient’s needs?

• How can you and your patient achieve your goals together?

• What are the specific goals and outcomes that your patient can expect with your specialized care?

3. Showcase your features. What features and benefits will differentiate you from your competition? The features must stand out based on your niche and how your specialty will be beneficial to patients.

Most patients are interested in the specialized care they will receive from you, compared to their previous experiences with other chiropractors or healthcare specialists.

4. Create a budget. Determine the budget you will need to market and advertise your specialty. Branding is important in order to stand out as a part of a niche, so make sure you have a logo and a slogan that will quickly define your specialty in the marketplace.

Marketing and promotional materials have specific elements that create calls to action by potential patients.

5. Discover your community. Go to the places in which your niche group congregates. In every community, there are all sorts of social events you can attend to share and hand out information to people that share the same interests.

For example: If you are interested in sports injuries, you can attend a track meet. This will give you the opportunity to introduce yourself and

meet people that share your common interest.

6. Talk to community leaders. Talk to those that are leaders and decision makers, such as directors or presidents of affiliated associations of your niche groups. These are people of authority who have already made connections with the people you want to meet.

The most difficult part of marketing your specialty is making sure there is a need for what you are marketing. There has to be enough people that want what you have, in order to support your cause.

7. Become an expert. Become the authority and local expert by finding other sources and outlets that will help you encapsulate the market you are taking over.

Write articles, put together speaking engagements, and meet directly with others who are a part of the niche, but perhaps in other health fields. Develop alliances and other resources that will add credibility to you and the specialty you represent.

8. Motivate yourself. Remember the saying: “Early to bed, early to rise, work like hell, and advertise.”

This adage should be written in your inner sanctum where you can see it every day. During your day, consider every conventional and unconventional avenue as a viable marketing and advertising tool for your office.

9. Diversify. Although it can be self-limiting, your specialty should be a big part of your practice. When considering what you want to create, make sure your practice is diversified enough to accommodate all types of patients in case there is a change in health trends.

10. Have wellness in mind. Developing a wellness resource with other healthcare providers will allow you to cross-market your practice with other health professions, such as dentists, acupuncturists, massage therapists, personal trainers, and nutritionists.

By using these other providers as a unification factor, it will give the perception of being bigger than you are. Joint marketing, newsletters, speaking engagements, health fairs, and other styles of marketing can be split as a group and cost far less.

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